Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First Assignment

I choose to read 1984, by George Orwell. I've read Animal Farm, another one of his books Ilike it, so I thought that I might like this book as well. Some friends of mine have talked about how important the book is, but I don't know why it's important, really. I guess, when it all comes down to it I chose the book, really, because I just wanted to find out more about it.


Rudy said...

Your book sounds so Boring. Just Kidding.

J.T.D. said...

Isnt that the reason most of us choose books? If we arent interested whats the point eh?

Anonymous said...

I don't think i'm going to like my book.

Kiersten said...

mr.Downey you're silly, you speeled "allowed", "aloud" when you left me a comment. haha
silly, you're the english teacher

Aj_Monkie said...

ha ha i hope it goes well to.

Rudy said...

Hey Mr. Downing, you spelled my name wrong when you added me to your blog. Its Escobedo. Duh. Just Kidding.

Contact Mr. Downing

My Email Is: jmd1@email.arizona.edu