Thursday, March 6, 2008

Second Assignment Character

1. I think that the main is Winston Smith. The book focusses on what he says and feels, so that seems pretty obvious to me. He's a good person, who just wants to be himself. I'm not sure yet what kind of person he is trying to be. His society constrains him constantly, so it's hard to tell. There's a passage starting on page 13 or so, where everyone is forced to hate people. The government plays this video and everyone has to watch it and yell at the bad guys.
2. I feel like Winston so much of the time. My life isn't controlled in a bad way though. I have state standards that I have to teach, I don't get a choice. But, they are actually good standards, like "Recognize literary elements in a text." I definitely would want my students to be able to do that even if the state didn't tell me to. So, I guess that I'm like Winston in a way because so many of my choices are made for me, but unlike him because those choices aren't weird and morally wrong.
3. If I were Winston Smith, I think that I would see shades of grey everywhere. All the buildings, and rooms and everything would be grey. All the sounds would be loud and sudden and sharp, no warm or comforting sounds, and I would never hear music, unless the Party was playing it. I don't' know why, but I think that if I were Winston, everything would smell like cabbage. I associate that smell with rainy days for some reason, and this book seems like it would have so many rainy days. I think I'd taste the same thing over and over again. What ever the Party's official food is, and I bet there's only one, that's the only thing that I'd taste.
If I were Winston, I'd feel pressured. I'd feel like the whole world was falling down on me, and there was nothing I could do to escape, no matter how quickly I ran.

1 comment:

Aj_Monkie said...

o man you really wanted us to think what the smell was lol well uh i'm not sure i guess it would smell like poo because it is a Farm. lol

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