Thursday, March 20, 2008

Third Assignment

1. My book does not seem original to me. I've read several other books that seem to follow the same pattern as this one, at least so far. At the same time, I really don't think that it's a bad thing. This book practices the dystopia style in an interesting way.

2. What make this book a good example of an old style, is the complete way in which Orwell has constructed the world. He places his character in a society that is so constrictive and then gives him some freedom of thought. It's a wonderful way to look at the things that may be wrong in our society.

3. I don't think that there will be any new stories, at least not any time soon. The greatest writers that I know of have used material from other authors. Tolkien based many of his characters and mythologies on ones that he'd studied. Even Shakespeare, the Bard himself, borrowed material from previous authors. It's not important that the material is brand new. Rather, it's important how the author uses that material and how that author shows some of her or his own style.

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